Sunday, April 4, 2010

Story | I know you hope this is not true

You should of expected this. You knew it all along. Didn't you learn from experience? This would never last. It won't go beyond the ambiguous stage. Stupid idiot. Why can't you just stop yourself from doing so? You know it would cause trouble. Stabbing gazillions of pins into the little red heart. I mean, HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW THIS? I don't feel sorry for you, you stupid moron. Trying to game in the world hurts while you can't afford to take whatever the consequences are. You knew it at first that you are not this type of people. But you still stuck your entire body into the mess. Poor you. But I still don't have any sympathy for you. YOU ARE STUPID to get yourself into this type of trouble. Are you really prone to them? They are bad for you! WAKE UP. Where is the smart rational emotionless girl that I used to see everyday? Common. You are do better. You are a desirable attractive person, wanted by people. It's just... you haven't discover them yet. Spend more time finding the nice persons, and not indulge yourself into things you can never get. I can only offer you a hug but that's it. See the reality.


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