Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Story | N-dimensional Space

You have taken me to a totally new dimension. I have never really step into this nD space before. Previous in knowing you, I knew such space exist but I chose to keep a distance away from it - I thought I knew a lot already and I do not need the knowledge of the beyond. Of course not, now I think of it. I'm such an ignorant individual, although I'm trying to evolve into this better person. But being politically correct all the time is hard. It is tiring. The situation is no matter how your opinions are like, someone is going to get offended and hurt. This is difficult. But I'll keep in mind because I want to respect people like you. You, acting like a mentor, brought me lots of new knowledge and I feel I have advanced in the speed of light years. I promise I will spread your words around by understanding the importance of the issue and eventually educating others with all the things I learned from you. Thank you for bringing up my mind of awareness.



  1. are you writing in the same type of story as Miranda July? (i've just read first story~)

  2. I don't think I can ever write as good as Miranda July... but definitely I did get inspired by her stories. How are you liking the book?
